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Offering Envelopes

Offering envelopes printed by Impact Color are a perfect way to make a great impression when handing out your envelopes.


We can design and print your offering envelopes with any image or type you'd like. Place your logo on these envelopes for best results!

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Offering Envelopes

Offering envelopes are more than just a church supply that you fill on a regular basis. If you don’t find this believable, ask your church customers. They will tell you that their church envelopes are an important part of church life. They are weekly reminders to the church that “love keeps on giving” and meets the financial need, no matter what that need may be. For church members, envelopes are a symbol of their responsibility to give to the God that has given so much to them.

Since offering envelopes are such small items that hold a massive role in church life, it pays to own them in your church supply business. What you hope to do when church customers walk through the door is to help church members see all the neat things they can do with their envelopes. First, church members can get the church name put on the envelope. Some church names are extremely long (like seven or eight words), so churches choose to abbreviate their name. Other church names are short, so churches can place the entire name on the envelope. Next, churches can choose an array of colors for their envelopes. If they want their major envelopes to contain the church colors, they can have both sides of the envelope bear the church colors. If they have offering envelopes set aside for special occasions such as revivals, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day ceremonies, Easter, Thanksgiving sunrise services, and Christmas celebrations, then they can order colors to match the season and occasion. Many churches do not celebrate “Halloween” per se, but do offer a “Fall Festival” in its place where they thank God for the year’s supply of income, food, drink, shelter, clothing, and good health. For churches specifically, the Fall Festival allows them to honor God who has blessed their church buildings to remain standing through good and bad weather, and their members to remain blessed and still able to give to continue the church operations. They have much to be thankful for.

Offering envelopes can also be sold in different sizes. If churches want their members to submit prayer requests, they can enlarge the envelope size so as to allow their members to write a note and place it in the envelope along with their tithe or church money. Church envelopes can also have Bible verses, as many churches want to plant a verse on their envelopes to remind their members to give to the Lord. Verses often used on church envelopes pertain to “tithing,” or “giving to the Lord,” or “God loves a cheerful giver,” and so on. Lastly, church envelopes can also be used for building services in which money is raised to add on to existing church structures. Churches want special envelopes set aside for building funds so as to remind their members to give to further the church’s history and heritage. As can be seen, envelopes are more than money holders—they are also excellent reminders.

Impact Color Print specializes in offering envelopes. Our envelopes come in different sizes, colors, and can allow for different print messages on the front and back. If you want to offer tailor-made church envelope services in your church supply business, call (800)-670-9866 for more details.

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